we should be blessed and spread more love, love, and love Of all the paths you take in life make sure a few of them are dirt hiking quilt When you have a bad day be great ful for what you have a day for true love will make a bad day wonderful. Love has no sense of disability it’s what it is a wonderful mirical from God be happy filled with joy
Of all the paths you take in life make sure a few of them are dirt hiking quilt
I hear what you’re say’n, the Spirit of Jesus inside us makes us dare to look and act insane, work that’s gotta be done however and as Christians we won’t even be greeted by 72 virgins if martyred. Actually, concerning the virgins, a coworker some years ago said if he’s gonna risk death, it’s not going to be for virgin reward, he prefers experience. Agreeing with you dude but the 72 virgins part is no where Of all the paths you take in life make sure a few of them are dirt hiking quilt mentioned in Islam. I dunno where ppl got this and started attributing it to Islam. In Islam, if you die with more bad deeds than good,
you will have your recompense accordingly on the Day of Judgement. If you die with good deeds exceeding the bad ones, you’ll have your recompense accordingly on the Day of Judgement. God does justice in everything. And the spouses, man for his wife, wife for her husband, are united in Heaven forever. That’s in Islam. 72 virgins ain’t. You are a knowledgeable man brother, you know about Bible, I as a Muslim have a lot of reverence for the Bible, both the Testaments because Islam makes it mandatory for me. Try have full knowledge on topics you plan to cover outside Christianity.
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