no matter their race, sexual orientation, religion. Parrot crazy in love beautiful dark blue parrot poster Not very Christian like. I’m human just like you. I’m so tired of people labeling us as perfect people and how we should just be quiet when this world is so corrupt.
Parrot crazy in love beautiful dark blue parrot poster
I pray for my children everyday that they never come across you in life. Now take your hateful judgments elsewhere, no one here cares what you think or feel. If we’re really gonna talk about the Bible, how come it hates homosexuality, but is okay with father and daughter incest like in Sodom and Parrot crazy in love beautiful dark blue parrot poster Gammora? Or how about how it says it’s okay to rape people, and if a woman is raped by a man not only is the man not punished
but the woman has to marry her rapist? And the Bible says it’s horrible to eat shellfish and wear mixed fabrics, yet it’s okay to own slaves as long as you don’t beat them to death? The Bible was written by barbaric savages who wanted to justify their horrendous actions with scriptures they wrote up claiming it came from an all powerful god. I’m sure the company you work for and the clients would love to know your stance and Judgemental biases. I’m sure you take care of people from all walks of life,
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