As underdeveloped countries attempt to cut costs to gain a price advantage, pelicans made in louisiana a long time ago vintage poster many workers in these countries face low pay, substandard working conditions and even forced labor and abusive child labor.
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The principle of just cause requires that the employer have a justifiable reason for any disciplinary action it takes against an employee. pelicans made in louisiana a long time ago vintage poster An employer must show just cause only if a contract requires it. Most contracts have just cause requirements which place the burden of proof for just cause on the employer. INSIDE STRATEGY – The use of mass grievances, working to rule, rolling sick-outs, informational picketing, and other forms of resistance designed to pressure an employer to meet the union’s demands without the union resorting to a strike. HIRING HALL – Union hiring halls are primarily found among unions in the construction industry. A union hiring hall is where a union “hires out” workers to employers who have work and is roughly similar to an employment agency.
The waiting list of unemployed workers is also commonly referred to as “the bench”. GRANDFATHER/MOTHER CLAUSE – An exception in a contract article that either exempts or continues a prior benefit to those covered employees who were employed prior to the negotiation of that article. GARNISHMENT – Deductions made by an employer from an employee’s wages and rendered to a creditor of the employee. FRINGE BENEFITS – Negotiated contract provisions other than wages and hours; for example, health insurance, welfare fund, pensions. FREE TRADE – Free trade is a policy to eliminate discrimination against imports and exports. Buyers and sellers from different economies may voluntarily trade without a government applying tariffs, quotas, subsidies or prohibitions on goods and services. Free trade is the opposite of trade protectionism or economic isolationism. However, there are significant negative effects of free trade. 1. Adverse Working Conditions.
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