There’s a few good ones left in the world today. Love is beautiful in itself ! Penguin low top canvas sneakers Having to depend on each other for support is all part of love and it is truly beautiful to see how different life can be for different couples and the bond that holds them together
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Society tells us we are supposed to be happy on our own and another person should only enhance our life not complete it but I disagree. We are made to need each other and we are not made to be alone. I much prefer this. Beautiful comment They work so well together because he has both arms and she has both legs. Could you imagine what they would be like Penguin low top canvas sneakers if both of them had all their limbs? They would be frickin’ unstoppable! Love this video. Imagine all the things we take for granted,how we cry

and worry about the wrong things that dont even matter,how we complain when one single thing doesn’t go our way,or doesn’t go as we expected,how we want to be so independent and admired that we dont realize how other people depend on each other for them to move a simple box off the table Watching this video pretty much brings me to tears. What does selfless girl so totally in love to give of herself so completely to somebody so dependent. She could easily find a normal man and have such a different life and chooses to follow her heart.
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