It probably is in the 100’s as far as his missteps. Photographer and i think to myself what a wonderful world poster But you don’t hear anything from these people that are calling out Maxine. The hypocrisy is incredible And another. You forgot how to spell I take it.
Photographer and i think to myself what a wonderful world poster
it was only a few generations ago her ancestors were slaves, they were forbidden to learn to read and write. also slaves to the white trash she supports. an uncle tom of the vilest kind. star needs to get real, trump won’t want to snatch her black pussy, no matter how hard she tries to ingratiate Photographer and i think to myself what a wonderful world poster herself to him. Nixon would have had a great second term. One of his goals for that term was national health care.

Unfortunately Nixon brought himself down. We proved them that we are a country of laws and upheld the constitution. But wait! I keep reading post from the left about the rise of hate group like the KKK and their ilk. I think the left better look in the mirror. They are everything they claim the right are. The dummying down of America is complete,they can call out Maxine Waters, but want say anything about the multitude of things trump has said since he’s been in the spotlight.
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