I am so sick of what is going on in this county Poker skull full printing shirt when it comes to sh!t like this. It’s a memorial. Not meant to persuade anyone to any religious belief. It is meant to honor the sacrifice of men who died for this country.
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why is it ok to remove monuments erected by previous generations? This movement to remove history is nothing more than a way to create a mindless generation that is never taught to respect other ideas or philosophies. No one fucking cares if it’s “beautiful” or not. Poker skull full printing shirt It is a religious symbol and is not to be placed on public property. Fucking hypocritical Christofascists. You would shit bricks

if there were a symbol of Islam on public property. This hate group probably doesn’t even live there! The FRR is trying to get our cross in Bayview Park here in Pensacola removed! They don’t live here! They are trying to get everything pertaining to Christianity removed! If this happens the people need to rise up and stop it with whatever force is needed. These men gave their life’s for us and we need to give ours to protect their memory.
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