people in the world that are adopting children from life’s of hell, poverty, orphanages Put that cookie down now kindergarten cop full printing ugly christmas sweater with medical issues praise the Lord for you your all very special people thank you and love you for helping young children that need help
Put that cookie down now kindergarten cop full printing ugly christmas sweater
We worry about our climate about the pollution in the world.. But here we are almost in 2020 and Wars and famine are still every day occurrence. We turn our backs on these our children .. Presidents refer to countries warring as kids having a fight in the playground.. I shake my head in disbelief.. Put that cookie down now kindergarten cop full printing ugly christmas sweater I have been caring for children for over 50 years, I naively thought it would have changed by now It sounds like

they had 3 other children with physical or emotional problems when it was mentioned she needed to pick them up at therapy. There are still caring selfless people in the world. You people are so awesome. This little girl is so lucky you came into her life. You are truly blessed to have this beautiful little girl in your life too. God bless you and your family for adopting her. I wish you and your family all the best. Thank the lord there is people like you both and I know there’s many more good beautiful selfless
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