so perhaps someone else can clarify. As I understand it, present methods call for putting several eggs in a petri dish and fertilizing them all. Rick and morty pickle rick ugly christmas all over print shirt Then several eggs are implanted, but the fertilized eggs not used are destroyed. Some might be implanted in others as “Snowflakes”,
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So, it makes sense that they work in similar ways. Plan B is high dose, and B/C is low dose. They usually work in one of three ways: 1) prevent egg release from ovaries–no conception; 2) prevent egg fertilization in fallopian tubes–no conception; 3) prevent implantation of fertilized egg on uterine wall–fertilization, but no pregnancy. Rick and morty pickle rick ugly christmas all over print shirt Some hold that #3 is after conception, so is actually an abortion. However, others say that conception does not occur until implantation. Therefore, abortion does not happen until after that, and can’t happen if implantation is prevented. I guess it depends on what you believe about when conception occurs.

I don’t know and haven’t found an answer, but maybe if only the first two Plan B methods are desired the earliest possible use should be done (say within 24 hrs). No such possibility exists for birth control pills. If objectionable, other B/C methods may be preferable. However, because they may not be as effective, multiple methods–such as diaphrams, spermacide, or condoms–may be used. A similar consideration is IVF. I am really not well versed here,
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