please…it’s happened to me! and i promise Rottweiler club funny rottweiler read newspaper in toilet poster you i didn’t say anything either. men in power can go too far. is that news? if you disagree with it being important 30yrs later that’s one thing…but don’t assume a woman asked for it.
Rottweiler club funny rottweiler read newspaper in toilet poster
Good for you Jennifer, I’m glad you have nothing bad to say about him, especially since you were on his payroll. However, the other young women were not. But I’m sure you’re aware of his alcoholism and his tendency to force himself sexually onto other young women. Rottweiler club funny rottweiler read newspaper in toilet poster You should make your statement to the FBI. I know that they will be interested in your sworn statement. why are these woman

bringing up sexual assaults that happened 30 years ago? can someone please explain that to me? if it was such a big deal then shouldn’t they have said something then? i mean they wait and wait. do you hear yourself? i agree it is long ago and makes little sense now based on the small amount i know but to suggest she prostituted herself? new low. i don’t doubt he pushed himself in her.
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