inform near-term future rates of GMSL rise. Climate-change induced GMSL rise is caused by thermal expansion of ocean water and Rumi usagiyama my hero academia anime 3d night light led ocean mass gain, the latter primarily due to a decrease in land-ice mass. However, responses to SLR are local and hence always based on RSL experienced at a
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shorter time. In the last thousand years, global mean sea-level was several meters higher than today during the last interglacial period, to thousand years B.P. The last glacial age started around thousand years B.P, and the mean sea-level was about m below the current level during the glacial maximum thousand years B.P. At thousand years B.P, the current interglacial period started, and sea level also started to rise as the ice sheets melted. Furthermore, during the warm period from to year B.P, sea level was to meters higher than the current level. The cause for this higher sea level, known as the Jomon Transgression in Japan, is visco-Rumi usagiyama my hero academia anime 3d night light led elastic response of the plate on which the Japan islands were located to the increased GMSL, In summary, these data show a large variation of GMSL on a geological time scale. There is a high agreement that accommodation is a core element of adaptation, and it is taking place on various scales based on measures such as flood proofing and raising buildings, implementing drainage systems, land use changes as well as EWS, emergency planning, setback zones and insurance schemes. However, no literature is available that summarises observed accommodation worldwide. There is low evidence of accommodation occurring directly as a consequence of SLR but high evidence of accommodation measures being implemented in response to coastal hazards such as coastal flooding, salinisation and other sea-borne hazards such as cyclones. The major co-benefit of advance is the creation of new land. The major drawbacks include groundwater salinisation, enhanced erosion and loss of coastal ecosystems and habitat, and the growth of the coastal floodplain Li ,
Nadzir , Wang , Chee . In Chin for example, about of coastal ecosystems have been lost due to land reclamation, leading to a range of impacts such as loss of biodiversity, decline of bird species and fisheries resources, reduced water purification, and more frequent harmful algal blooms Wang . For example, the reclamation of about , ha of land in Saemangeum, Republic of Kore in , has led to a decrease in shorebird numbers by over in two years, probably caused by mortality Moores . Inadvertently, historic land reclamation through polderisation may have enhanced exposure and risk to coastal flooding by creating new populated floodplains, but this has not been evaluated. includes diverse biophysical and institutional responses that mitigate coastal risk and impacts by reducing the vulnerability of coastal residents, human activities, ecosystems and the built environment, thus enabling the habitability of coastal zones despite increasing levels of hazard occurrence. Accommodation measures for erosion and flooding include building codes, raising house elevation , on stilts, lifting valuables to higher floors and floating houses and gardens . Accommodation measures for salinity intrusion include changes in land use , rice to brackishsalt shrimp aquaculture or changes to salt tolerant crop varieties. Institutional accommodation responses include EWS, emergency planning, insurance schemes and setback zones Nurse , Wong . This box highlights recent advances in methodologies in assessing exposure and vulnerability to sea level rise and its physical impacts, such as coastal flooding since the IPCC th Assessment Report . In few cases it also leverages methodological advances, which have not been yet applied in the coastal context but have great potential to inform coastal assessments. Current coastal flood risk management and adaptation practices in the Nadi Basin and possible refinements using the new SLR and ESL projections of this report, as well as findings on adaptation options, decision making approaches and governance . See Hay for background on current practice and practice consistent with SROCC assessment; see Box , ure for ESL event values. VLM is vertical land motion. GMSL during the LIG was at times higher than today , with a likely range between m, and not expected to be more than m . Due to ongoing uncertainties in the evolution of atmospheric and oceanic warming over and around the ice sheets, and low confidence in the relative contributions of Antarctic versus Greenland meltwater to GMSL change, the LIG is not used here to directly assess the sensitivity of the ice sheets under current or future climate conditions. There is low confidence in the utility of changes in either mPWP or LIG sea level changes to quantitatively
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