neither should be judged or falsly accused till facts are confirmed. . Say you won’t let go james arthur i met you in the dark poster one is telling the truth, the other is not. how many of all who are pointing fingers listened to both parties? i’m sure most of you have not by the way you’re acting actually i did!!!
Say you won’t let go james arthur i met you in the dark poster
for all of those who question or comment about his demeanor and anger when speaking about the accusations against him, i say shut up!!! how the heck do they expect him to behave???? i wonder how they would react if they were wrongly accused of such a behavior??? his whole family is being crushed by Say you won’t let go james arthur i met you in the dark poster these claims!!!in the interview with martha mccallum, he was accused of being too calm, too subdued…. what do they want???
let’s remember the lengths these dems will go to, to get what they want; destroying a man’s life and families are mere ‘collateral damage’ and like ms ford, should be willing to ‘take one for the team’!!! the fact that her past and political activities are ‘off limits’ should wave 10 red flags!!! what has our country become?? how about not making it about the left or right. how about making it about two people.
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