millennia for the ocean to reach a thermal equilibrium, because the convection and diffusion of heat in the ocean is a slow process. Shota aizawa my hero academia anime 3d night light led This means that the ocean heat uptake will continue for more than a thousand years, in contrast to the fact that the air temperature becomes s in much
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extent ecosystems on land, are taking up about half of our fossil fuel and biomass burning emissions. This behavior slows global warming by decreasing the rate of atmospheric carbon dioxide increase, but that trend may not continue. Warmer ocean waters will hold less dissolved carbon, leaving more in the atmosphere. Nobuo Mimura was born in in Hiroshima. He graduated from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, specializing in urban engineering. He continued his study at the Graduate School of Engineering and obtained master’s and doctoral degrees in the field of urban engineering. He began his professional career as Research Associate in at the Prof. Kiyoshi Horikawa’s Laboratory at the University of Tokyo, where he started research in coastal Shota aizawa my hero academia anime 3d night light led engineering. Since then he has experienced Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo, and Associate Professor and Professor at Ibaraki University. He played a leading role in establishing the Institute for Global Change Adaptation Science at Ibaraki University in , and has served as its director to the present. He has also served as assistant vice president of Ibaraki University since . Dr. Mimura specializes in global environmental engineering, coastal engineering and adaptation policy to climate change. He is intensively engaged in studies on the impacts of climate change and sea-level rise in Japan, Asia and small island countries, leading several research projects in this field. He has also served as coordinating lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change . As a result of his achievements, he was awarded Annual Research Award of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers in , Grand Prix, Nikkei Global Environment Technology Award of the Japan Economic Newspaper Inc. in , Environmental Protection Award of the Environment Agency of Japan in , and Environmental Award of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers in . • Asia and Afric centers for population growth and economic development in the st century, as well as small islands, are particularly vulnerable to sea-level rise and climate change. In these areas, a combination of hard measures, ,, infrastructure development, and soft measures, ,, urban planning and disaster risk reduction should be enhanced to develop social capacity for adaptation. There is a conglomeration of various facilities in coastal zones, including ports, fishery harbors, and natural disaster prevention facilities. These are designed based on the local mean sea level, design storm surges and waves. Therefore, when these conditions change, it is logical to revise the design standards to reflect this. As there are a huge number of such facilities in the world, these changes in design conditions could have enormous effects on both social safety and economic burden. summarizes projections for increases in global average temperature and GMSL made using the SRES scenarios presented in the IPCC AR. Global average temperature is projected to increase by
by the end of this century, relative to the period . The significant feature is that the magnitude of the temperature increase varies with the emission scenario, based on the socioeconomic development path set by the SRES scenario. However, even under the B scenario, which assumes the lowest emission path of GHGs, the temperature increase will reach by the end of the st century. For the most fossil fuel-intensive scenario, the temperature increase is projected to be , with a likely range upper limit of . ℃. If the global average temperature increases by such an amount, the Arctic and the midlands of large continents will show much higher increases, resulting in devastating effects over those regions. When the increased concentration of GHGs in the atmosphere cause an increase in the air temperature, heat is transferred from the atmosphere to the ocean. Most of the heat uptake of the ocean takes place through the surface mixed layer, where water temperature and density are nearly uniform due to strong mixing of surface waters by the wind. Then the heat stored in the mixed layer is diffused to the deep layer through thermocline. As heat capacity of the ocean is about times larger than that of the atmosphere, it is estimated that the heat storage in the ocean accounts for about of the heat which the earth absorbed for the past years. This heat storage is times larger than that of the atmosphere. Therefore, the increase of the heat content of the ocean is regarded as a major indicator of global warming. Furthermore, it should be noted that it will take
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