but a Wi-Fi call placed to a number outside of the United States skull american flag us coast guard full over printed shirt will be billed as an international long distance call from the United States to that foreign number.
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until a later date when it may be taken up and processed. Trial Services are subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement; may have limited availability; skull american flag us coast guard full over printed shirt and may be withdrawn at any time. Terms and conditions for certain features and applications are provided on the Device at the time of feature/application activation or first use. Certain features/applications will not be available in all areas at all times. Available countries, coverage and participating international carriers included in the “Select International Roam Zone” and “Select Canada/Mexico Roam Zone” vary from our generally available Canada/international wireless data roam zones and may not be as extensive. The Select International Roam Zone is restricted to select international wireless carrier.
Select Canada/Mexico Roam Zone is restricted to select wireless carrier and coverage areas within Canada and Mexico. See att.com/dataconnectglobal for a current list of participating carriers and eligible roam zones. With respect to the countries included in the Select International Roam Zone, you will be restricted from accessing Data Service through any non-participating Canada/international wireless carriers that may otherwise be included in our generally available Canada and international wireless data roam zones. With the DataConnect North America Plan, you will be restricted from accessing Data Service through any non-participating Canada/Mexico wireless carriers that may otherwise be included in our generally available Canada and international wireless data roam zones. If you make Wi-Fi calls while outside of the United States, the call will be billed as if it is being placed from the United States. This means that a Wi-Fi call placed to the United States will be treated as a domestic call within the United States,

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