the only vile hate filled filth of humanity is the supporters of this sick legislation. Skull shoulder wrap all over print shirt it condones the traumatization of rape victims by forcing them against there will to shower with a biological male in public facilities.
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you will find next to zero cases of anyone pretending to be trans using that as a cover for a sexual assault. meanwhile, cisgender people by the boatloads are convicted of sexual assault – many of them republican lawmakers and “christian” priests. and then get a slap on the wrist. trans people are just people. Skull shoulder wrap all over print shirt they don’t want to go into a bathroom to assault anyone, they want to pee. anyone using transgender to justify a sexual assault isn’t trans

that’s the whole point. transgender is not the same as cross-dressing (wearing clothes typically worn by the opposite sex), and it’s not a label that includes pedophiles or rapists. Seriously, laws are being to comfort people who believe their god does not make mistakes, yet are doing everything they can to turn people into carbon copies of them and if they can not punish them for what their god created. Maybe one mistake was made… It just wasn’t people who are different or supportive of those who are.
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