ya’ll of how we feel as the majority. Sloth wear a pink wreath today is a good day poster American Sign language has more words to use than English and is a beautiful visual language which stands on it’s own. The hand placement and gestures are of beauty and grace when strung together
Sloth wear a pink wreath today is a good day poster
I think you all need to take your toys and leave the playground. It’s obvious you can’t play well with others!! You’re all like your 5!! Very disturbing that you all turned the video in to a Religious Debate!! Grow up or move along!! What a bunch of idiots! No one is qualified on this page Sloth wear a pink wreath today is a good day poster as a Deaf person or a Physician so I’m going to tell all you dumbass people how the Deaf Community looks at this and yes I’m qualified!

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong or sick with this baby! In fact she will have more language skills than any of you as a Deaf person. I hope her parents teaches her ASL which most families do so that she will have 2 languages in her life. Our dead community believes that Deaf people should have the same advantages as everyone else but a lot of deaf people certainly are against the Cochlear implant that these parents and physicians had surgically put into her tiny little head. I am not judging but only informing
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