quoting a work of fiction does no good and isnt truth. Speech language pathologist voice horizontal poster Keep that ignorance coming.and scripture cant open anybodies eyes since it is fiction. Ira Morgan a god cant even be proven to exist and neither can sin. “exuality” as an innate dimension of personality.
Speech language pathologist voice horizontal poster
I don’t understand why people talk about sins all the time like their saints. You sin everyday all day no matter what you do. If you believe in god, cool. If you don’t cool. But don’t shove your religion down other peoples throats. And if anyone thinks for one minute they don’t ‘sin’ on a daily basis, your wrong. Speech language pathologist voice horizontal poster You get angry? Thats wrath. You eat more food even though your not that hungry anymore, guess what thats gluttony!

You think she or he is prettier than you and wish you have what they do? Oooo envy! You want more and more money? Guess what?! Greed. my response was simply acknowledging that no amount of argument will open your eyes…only scripture can do that. I encourage you to test that…if you truly want the truth, God will open your eyes. If not, no amount of argument from me will change your mind. Thus my emoji….I should have used again
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