coastline by attenuating waves, and, in the case of wetlands storm surge flows, by acting as obstacles and providing retention space , and by raising elevation and reducing rates of erosion through trapping and Spider-man revolution marvel studios 3d night light led stabilising coastal sediments Shepard , as well as building-up of organic matter and detritus EbA is also referred to by various
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participation objectives are more probable if participation objectives and process design principles and practices are co-produced by community and government stakeholders. In some cities in the Global South, experience shows that a focus on building effective multi-sector governance institutions can facilitate ongoing public involvement in adaptation planning and implementation, and enhance long-term adaptation prospects . There has been a proliferation of public engagement approaches and practices applied to adaptation in recent decades . Increasing citizen participation in adaptation and other public decision making processes shifts the Spider-man revolution marvel studios 3d night light led role of government from a chiefly steering and regulating role towards more responsive and enabling roles, sometimes referred to as co-design, co-production, and co-delivery of adaptation responses Z . Engagement strategies grounded in community deliberation can help to improve understanding about SLR and response options, reducing the polarising effect of alternative political allegiances and worldviews A . Public participation has also the potential to successfully include vulnerable groups in multi-level adaptation processes Kirshen , promote justice and enable transformative change . AR stated that there are many reasons why adaptation governance is complex Klein .
The first generation of studies that investigated this question empirically identified many barriers that people have experienced in adaptation governance in specific case contexts, including political, institutional, social-cognitive, economi financial, biophysical and technical barriers Klein . Although insightful for these specific cases, including SLR Hinkel , accumulation of empirical findings in building theory proved to be limited, and it did not result in more evidence-informed advice to policy makers on how to deal with barriers . The is high agreement that outcomes can be improved by upholding the principle of procedural justice and respecting the autonomy of individuals and their decisions about where and how they live Warner , Schade , McNamara . However, there are cases where logistical and political stances constrain the application of such approach, such as when the government of Sri Lanka prohibited rebuilding along the coastline of the country after the tsunami Hino . Proactive planning, including participation and consultation with those in peril, has the potential to improve outcomes medium confidence; de Sherbinin , Gemenne and Blocher. Governments can assist migrants through policy reforms to enable relocation to fast growing economic regions in the country. An example of this approach was adopted in Vietnam by both the National Target Program to Respond to Climate Change and the National Strategy for Natural Disaster Prevention, Response and Mitigation targeted at locations within the Mekong Delta exposed to the impacts of SLR Nguyen , Collins . Outcomes of retreat for both community of origin and destination can also be improved by building the human capital of migrants , reducing costs of migration and remittance transfer, and provision of improved safety nets for migrants at their destinations . Physical accommodation to salinisation and saline water intrusion is more poorly documented. It mainly entails agricultural adaptation to soil salinity, and saline surface and ground water, as described for the land use changes aimed at alternating rice-shrimp systems and shrimp aquaculture in the Mekong Delta Renaud , or using methods which decrease soil salinity, such as flushing rice fields with fresh water to wash out salinity Renaud , or applying maize straw in wheat fields Xie . Coastal communities are also experimenting with the use of salt tolerant varieties as a result of breeding programmes, for example, in Indonesia Rumanti , or saline irrigation water in conjunction with fresh water, such as for maize in coastal Bangladesh Murad . responses provide a combination of protect and advance benefits based on the sustainable management, conservation and restoration of ecosystems Van Wesenbeeck . Examples include the conservation or restoration of coastal ecosystems such as wetlands and reefs. EbA measures protect the
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