forced variability in the CMIP ensemble. Patterns from the ‘anthropogenic-only’ forcing experiments needed to Spider-man venom marvel comics character 3d night light led be scaled by a factor of , indicating a realistic response of the CMIP ensemble to anthropogenic forcing. ure . | Schematic illustration of the
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These results allow refining AR conclusions by showing, first, that high risk can indeed occur before the m rise benchmark Oppenheimer , O’Neill , and, second, that risk as a function of SLR is highly variable from one geography to another. Some rationale is provided below for our assessment of illustrative geographies, summarising the more detailed description provided in SM. SM.. to SM… Note however that the text below is not intended to be fully comprehensive and does not necessarily include all elements for which there is a substantive body of literature, nor does it necessarily include all elements which are of particular interest to decision makers. The quality of surface water resources in estuaries, rivers, reservoirs, etc. can be affected by Spider-man venom marvel comics character 3d night light led the intrusion of saline water, both in a direct and indirect way . In terms of direct impacts, statistical models and long-term records of salinity show significant upward trends in salinity and a positive correlation between rising sea levels and increasing residual salinity, for example in the Delaware Estuary, USA Ross . Higher salinity levels, further inland, have also been reported in the Gorai river basin, southwestern Bangladesh , and in the Mekong Delt Vietnam. In the Mekong Delta for instance, salinity intrusion extends around km inland during the rainy season and typically around km during dry season Gugliotta . Importantly, salinity intrusion in these deltas is caused by a variety of factors such as changes in discharge and water abstraction along with relative SLR. More broadly, the impact of salinity intrusion can be significant in river deltas or low-lying wetlands, especially during low-flow periods such as in the dry season Dessu . In Bangladesh, for instance, some freshwater fish species are expected to lose their habitat with increasing salinity, with profound consequences on fish-dependent communities Dasgupta .
In the Florida Coastal Everglades, sea level increasingly exceeds ground surface elevation at the most downstream freshwater sites, affecting marine-to-freshwater hydrologic connectivity and transport of salinity and phosphorous upstream from the Gulf of Mexico. The impact of SLR is higher in the dry season when there is practically no freshwater inflow Dessu . Salinity intrusion was shown to cause shifts in the diatom assemblages, with expected cascading effects through the food web . Salinisation of surface water may lead to limitations in drinking water supply Wilbers , as well as to future fresh water shortage in reservoirs, for example in Shanghai Li . Salinity changes the partitioning and mobility of some metals, and hence their concentration or speciation in the water bodies . Varying levels of salinity also influence the abundance and toxicity of Vibrio cholerae in the Ganges Delta Batabyal . CMIP climate models Knutson , Yamada , high-resolution simulations , TC ocean interaction Knutson , Yamada , statistical models and statistical-deterministic models Emanuel , have been developed, and the ability to simulate TCs has been substantially improved. Most models still project a decrease or constant global frequency of TCs, but a robust increase in the lifetimes, precipitation, landfalls and ratio of intense . It is expected that these projected increases are intensified by favourable marine environmental conditions, expansion of the tropical belt, or ocean warming in the northwest Pacific and north Atlanti and increasing water vapour in the atmosphere . However, it is noted that, in contrast to most models, some models do predict an increase in global TC frequency during the st century Emanuel, Bhatia . included the full ocean depth in their analysis. They concluded that a combination of anthropogenic and natural forcing is necessary to explain the temporal evolution of observed global mean thermosteric sea level change during the period . Anthropogenic forcing was responsible for the amplitude of observed thermosteric sea level change, while natural forcing caused the forced variability of observations. Observations could best be reproduced by scaling the patterns from ‘natural-only’ forcing experiments by using a factor of , indicating a potential overestimation of
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