evaluated over a -year time horizon to combine multiple climate forcers. IPCC Working Group reports have also used GWP to represent multi-gas pathways Clarke . For reasons of comparability and consistency with current Spiderman marvel movie 3d night light led practice, in this Special Report continues to use this aggregation method. Numerous other methods of
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energy reaching in , with an interquartile range of . The magnitude and split between bioenergy, wind, solar, and hydro differ between pathways, as can be seen in the illustrative pathway archetypes in ure .. Bioenergy is a major supplier of primary energy, contributing to both electricity and other forms of final energy such as liquid fuels for transportation Bauer . In . pathways, there is a significant growth in bioenergy used in combination with CCS for pathways where it is included ure .. By mid-century, the majority of primary energy comes from non-fossil-fuels ,, renewables and nuclear energy in most . pathways .. ure . shows the evolution of primary energy supply over this century across . pathways, and in detail for the four illustrative pathway archetypes highlighted Spiderman marvel movie 3d night light led in this . Note that this reports primary energy using the direct equivalent method on the basis of lower heating values Bruckner . Land-use changes in and in the illustrative .-consistent pathway archetypes . Changes in land for food crops, energy crops, forest, pasture and other natural land are shown, compared to . Since the AR, an extensive body of literature has appeared on integrated pathways consistent with . These pathways have global coverage and represent all GHG-emitting sectors and their interactions. Such integrated pathways allow the exploration of the whole-system transformation, and hence provide the context in which the detailed sectoral transformations assessed in . of this are taking place. Original Creation for this Report using Temperature observations, model results, and projections as a function of cumulative carbon emissions. By , the difference between .- and -consistent pathways becomes clearer compared to mid-century, not only for the temperature response ure . but also for atmospheric CO concentrations. In , the median CO concentration in .-consistent pathways is below levels
whereas it remains higher by about compared to in the -consistent pathways. The SDGs and UNFCCC also differ in their time horizons. The SDGs focus primarily on whereas the Paris Agreement sets out that ‘Parties aim … to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of this century’. A challenge in creating the enabling conditions of a . warmer world is the governance capacity of institutions to develop, implement and evaluate the changes needed within diverse and highly interlinked global social-ecological systems . Policy arenas, governance structures and robust institutions are key enabling conditions for transformative climate action . It is through governance that justice, ethics and equity within the adaptation mitigation sustainable development nexus can be addressed Von Stechow , . This frames the implementation options, enabling conditions discussed further in Cross- Box on feasibility in this , capacities and types of knowledge and their availability Blicharska , that can allow institutions, communities and societies to respond to the . challenge in the context of sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals . It also addresses other relevant international agreements such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. Equity and ethics are recognised as issues of importance in reducing vulnerability and eradicating poverty. Impacts may also be triggered by combinations of factors, including ‘impact cascades’ Cramer , through secondary consequences of changed systems. Changes in agricultural water availability caused by upstream changes in glacier volume are a typical example. Recent studies also identify compound events , droughts and heat waves, that is, when impacts are induced by the combination of several climate events To date, reporting of GHG emissions under the UNFCCC has used Global Warming Potentials
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