I cried for the little girl, I cried for the family because they have a heart of gold. Star wars baby yoda full printing ugly christmas sweater They didn’t see her as a blind child, they saw her as a child who needs love but not only love it’s unconditional love. What an amazing story, what an amazing inspiring family
Star wars baby yoda full printing ugly christmas sweater
This really touched me today. I am a mom to two sons with special needs also. So thankful that she has a family now who loves her and she has a place to call home. Thank you for loving her!! They are special gifts from God!! And he chooses the right family for them!! On the cusp of our impending adoption for our 2 1/2 year old special needs foster daughter- Star wars baby yoda full printing ugly christmas sweater this had me all in the feels.

We have fostered for 3 years and had never really considered fostering a special needs child…… but they snuck one in on us. Who knew that she was just what we needed?! People who adopt children are angels walking on earth. Not everyone can do this. This is a story of hope and happiness. Hope more such children find their forever home and parents. God bless you. I came across this video not thinking that if would be so sad yet so happy.
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