would you bitch if he was a muslim man that doesn’t agree Star wars baby yoda mickey mouse vacay mode shirt with gay relationships? chances are you wouldn’t. please educate yourself then as per lisas link, as that is 100% wrong.
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what lisa said. while i am impressed at the use of such mature and intelligent words like “bulshiggity” – you are 100% wrong. 1. a sign is not a law. 2. refusing is fine, as long as it is not a protected class — in this case, orientation was one, and what the baker did was 100% Star wars baby yoda mickey mouse vacay mode shirt illegal and still is. to my knowledge any business can refuse service to any one. that includes restaurants, and social media networks.

liberals cheered at sarah being kicked out of a restaurant simply because of her political choice, a man was kicked off youtube and numerous other networks for saying basically the same shit liberals say about trump supporters, all because he was a republican. so why is it okay for these restaurants and social networks to deny people their services because they’re not liberal, but it’s not okay for this man to deny service to certain customers due to his religious beliefs?
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