If you don’t believe in homosexuality you’re a gay basher – Star wars the rise of skywalker poster you not a person who still loves people but disagrees with their lifestyle. Once I wanted to get a haircut. I went to my normal barber but they happened to have close early for a family emergency. I stopped by one closer to my house.
Star wars the rise of skywalker poster
and i think you might even agree, that those things should not happen without a person being held responsible for those acts done on their own private property. that is why we have laws. i think that people would be singing an entirely different tune if people stopped serving christians at their establishments. christians Star wars the rise of skywalker poster would be outraged that such a thing would happen. but if a person shares a different belief system, they have a right to refuse you service. doesn’t seem so righteous when the shoe is on another foot, does it.

how about treat your brother as you would like to be treated. that’s a christian tenet that we all could benefit from following. we’re not here on earth to judge one another’s position in god’s eyes. because he is against the lifestyle, not against humanity. there’s a difference, which the Left is unable to tease out because they want to simply slash and burn all contrary thought. Liberals are becoming Communist punks, mind police, and trying to impress us with all this Newspeak. You’re either 100% in or out, there’s no middle ground for the Left.
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