conditions for five global temperature data sets. For details of the data sets and plotting, see Temperature data Super heroes comic 3d night light led in the Data set details at the end of this report. As the world focuses on COVID- recovery, let us use the opportunity
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Atlanti which experienced a record number of named tropical storms during its hurricane season, and also with above-average rainfall in Australi which ended the year with its fourth wettest December on record. Antarctica has exhibited a strong mass loss trend since the late s. This trend accelerated around , and currently, Antarctica loses approximately to Gt per year. Nearly of the acceleration of this trend is due to the increasing flow rates of major glaciers in West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula.This is in contrast to the Greenland ice sheet, where losses from surface melting are of comparable magnitude to those from glacier dynamics. The main Super heroes comic 3d night light led driver of faster glacier flow in Antarctica has been enhanced sub-sea melting of fringing ice shelves, with a secondary driver being abrupt ice-shelf collapse due to localized surface melting on the Antarctic Peninsula.This glacier-dynamic response to climate and ocean forcing is strongly controlled by thresholds and strongly modulated by positive feedbacks in flow. As a result, Antarctica’s interannual dynamic losses are largely uncoupled from fluctuations in weather on annual timescales. The GRACE satellites and the follow-on mission GRACE-FO measure the tiny change of the gravitational force due to changes in the amount of ice. This provides an independent measure of the total mass balance. Based on this dat it can be seen that the Greenland ice sheet lost about Gt from April to August , which contributed to a sea-level rise of slightly more than cm. This is in good agreement with the mass balance from SMB and discharge, which was Gt during the same period. The minimum Antarctic sea ice extent in was around . million km. This occurred between February and March and was the seventeenth lowest minimum in the record. It reflected the gradual increase from the record minimum extent of . million km on March . The maximum extent of the Antarctic sea ice in was around million km and was observed between and September. This was the thirteenth largest extent in the -year record. In , the Antarctic sea ice extent increased to . million km, only . million km below the long-term mean. Indeed, extents were close to the long-term mean in all sectors.
The Bellingshausen Sea sector had its lowest extent on record in July , but the extent was closer to the mean later in the year. Record high temperatures north of the Arctic Circle in Siberia triggered an acceleration of sea-ice melt in the East Siberian and Laptev Seas, which continued well into July. The sea-ice extent for July was the lowest on record . million km. The sea-ice retreat in the Laptev Sea was the earliest observed in the satellite era. Towards the end of July, a cyclone entered the Beaufort Sea and spread the sea ice out, temporarily slowing the decrease of the ice extent. In mid-August, the area affected by the cyclone melted rapidly, which, combined with the sustained melt in the East Siberian and Laptev Seas, made the August extent the nd or rd lowest on record. As with heatwaves on land, extreme heat can affect the near-surface layer of the oceans. This situation is called a marine heatwave , and it can cause a range of consequences for marine life and dependent communities. Satellite retrievals of sea-surface temperature can be used to monitor MHWs. An MHW is categorized here as moderate, strong, severe or extreme . Various research groups have developed estimates of global OHC. Although they all rely more or less on the same database, the estimates show differences arising from the various statistical treatments of data gaps, the choice of climatology and the approach used to account for instrumental biases. A concerted effort has been established to provide an international assessment on the global evolution of ocean warming, and an update of the entire analysis to is shown in ure and ure . Historical measurements of subsurface temperature back to the s mostly rely on shipboard measurement systems, which constrain the availability of subsurface temperature observations at the global scale and at depth. With the deployment of the Argo network of autonomous profiling floats, which first achieved near-global coverage in , it is now possible to routinely measure OHC changes to a depth of m. ure .Global annual mean temperature difference from pre-industrial
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