you liberals are sick scumbags. I don’t like how he The dark side of the moon pink floyd full printing shirt behaves as a president, it’s been embarrassing to watch as he meets with leaders of the world. Whether he likes them or not, likes deals we have or not,
The dark side of the moon pink floyd full printing shirt
I’m sorry but if someone wants to use a gun they will find a way… just like underage kids drink and people smoke illegal weed. That kid may have used a gun that was legal but wasn’t locked up. This should never happen to anyone! I don’t care what you believe or who you vote for. The dark side of the moon pink floyd full printing shirt If they focused on his shirt, they completely lost the reason why he was frantically searching. I’m not a Trump supporter,

but I don’t care what shirt he was or was not wearing… that has no bearing on the fact he’s a parent trying to find his daughter. That’s all that should’ve mattered period! Most wealthy whites , don’t like Trump, because he’s helping the lower and middle-class, you people can’t stand to see Americans getting higher wages and keeping more of their money, you want minorities and poor whites dependent on the government,
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