A human who does the same would be a psychopath and a narcissist. That was me 9 years ago. I left with only my clothes on my back until The emperor’s new groove no touchy ugly christmas sweater I could get police escort to go get the rest. My only biological child was lost ( in miscarriage) but I have gained so much starting with my husband
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and nearly killed is “God is so Good! I love how he turned your setback into something beautiful!” deserves harsh treatment. You’ve belittled her struggle by putting it all on the same being who sat back while she was beaten, abused, and nearly killed. we have free will. what are you choosing to do with that free will? are you doing evil or good? The emperor’s new groove no touchy ugly christmas sweater you are responsible for your actions. god is not! you either have the will to stop your bad actions or you don’t. you want evil to stop?

even if you got a live naked bodies for your life in your kids life or yourself careful up on that high horse of yours. The air up there is thin and your fall will be painful. Remember, kindness is an important quality that must be practiced daily in order to get better at it…you need to practice more. if you have strong faith on Him and never give up..The saying , “take one day at a time and one moment at a time”, is an inspiration to start a new beginning. Thanks Sarah for sharing this story.God bless you always.
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