and refocus I’m doing a course called HipSobriety which is awesome The lion king all over printed shirt and it concentrates a lot on meditation. I’ve been sick for 3 weeks with a chest infection so still looking forward to getting to a energetic healthy state lol. Thanks for the encouragement
The lion king all over printed shirt
(deeply frowned upon in my family.) i was so pleased, touched, moved by this beautiful message that i shared it publicly, instantly. as a family therapist for more than 40 years i have learned to tune in to the feelings, the content, the meanings, the intentions. your intentions are the best thing for all children everywhere and The lion king all over printed shirt also for a brighter future, for nothing benefits society more than well adjusted people I manage to do this most of the time except

when i’m having a high anxiety day (like yesterday). As a solo parent, I burn out and it feels like she is wearing me down and pushing my buttons on possible. It is a hard gig. Good advice Great consciousness of it Mary. It can be hard but sometimes we need to take a step back, take a few deep breaths and refocus onto why our child is acting that way and bring to them even more love! Have you tried meditation? I find it a great way to calm down
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