It is a means of deepening and strengthening the intimate union that exists. To my daddy and mommy let you know that you are appreciated poster This can only be healthy and good if our behavior is consistent with who we are and with whom we love, and when we are true to our own sexuality and orientation.
To my daddy and mommy let you know that you are appreciated poster
Give Jesus a change , He loves you and He died for you I can quote your bible and show you where your god condones slavery and says it’s ok to beat your slaves as badly as you want as long as they don’t die. Do you consider that “truth” as well? The context of this reference has to do To my daddy and mommy let you know that you are appreciated poster with Gentiles rejecting the true God to pursue false gods; i.e., idolatry. And, the sexual behavior described is orgiastic,

not that of a loving, mutual, caring, committed relationship. What is condemned is the worship of false gods. Sexuality is a wonderful gift from God. It is more than genital behavior. It’s the way we embody and express ourselves in the world. But we cannot love another person intimately without embodying that love, without using our bodies to love. And that does involve genital behavior. Sexual love is for the purpose of giving and receiving pleasure with our most intimate partner.
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