I’m 68 and am still fortunate to be able to talk to my childhood bf friends at least once a month. Be patient and know we’ll all be with our family and best friends To my granddaughter always remember you are braver than you believe sunflower quilt and the ultimate, our Lord and Saviour. Until then, bless you Judith
To my granddaughter always remember you are braver than you believe sunflower quilt
Just because someone else is having a bad day doesn’t mean they have to take it out on you when bae try to you just pick yourself up and dust yourself off and keep it moving I mean if someone almost rear ends me and just waves and smiles it’s only going to piss me off more. A simple, I’m sorry would be better. Gotta own up to your fucks ups in life too. Yes ur Right being calm is the most important way to reduce trouble To my granddaughter always remember you are braver than you believe sunflower quilt then u become a better human and safe from someone who hate ,hit, & hurt and always be a humble person. I salute u men He should have hugged him and said sorry my friend.

And paid for his losses. That would have made big difference in that angry mans face. But rather then doing that he was busy calling humans carbage. Apologizing and accepting your fault is what you need to do. Make sure you carry your insurance too! Don’t you dare wave and smile when you don’t have one! Ive lost my parents, childhood friends, my husband of 30 yrs and now 3 more friends this last month. and I’m up for a new friend any time…just message me anytime.
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