Duration clauses may provide for automatic renewal for a specified period of time united states marine corps warrior molon labe full over printed shirt if neither party exercises its right to reopen the agreement for renegotiation.
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EXPEDITED ARBITRATION – An effort to streamline the arbitration hearing by reducing both time and cost. Transcripts and post hearing briefs are usually eliminated. united states marine corps warrior molon labe full over printed shirt Often the arbitrator issues a decision upon the completion of the hearing or shortly thereafter. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION – The Federal Government agency which administers most discrimination lawsuits. DUTY OF FAIR REPRESENTATION – A union’s obligation to represent all people in the bargaining unit as fairly and equally as possible. This requirement applies both in the creation and interpretation of collective bargaining agreements. A union is said to have violated its Duty of Fair Representation when a union’s conduct toward a member of a collective bargaining unit is arbitrary, discriminatory, or in bad faith.
A union steward, for example, may not ignore a grievance which has merit, nor can that grievance be processed in a perfunctory manner. It should be noted, however, that the employee in the bargaining unit has no absolute right to have a grievance filed or taken to arbitration if it is without merit. The union is obligated to investigate the issue and to give fair representation to all union members, and also to collective bargaining unit members who have not joined the union in “right-to-work” states, open shops or in public service units. DURATION CLAUSE . – The contract clause that specifies the time period during which the agreement is in effect. Where an agreement has a term greater than three years, the agreement serves as a contract bar only during the first three years. An agreement can have an automatic renewal provision, in which case the bar also would be renewed. There may be separate duration clauses for different parts of the agreement.

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