and the Vatican NATO soon we will be forced to either accept Unladen swallow parcel service shirt their terms and to be labeled with mark of the beast or to be jailed and even killed for being believers of Jesus Christ It’s not a really tough guess that someone who follows
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But we need to explain to re Young Folks that haven’t really experienced what we are experiencing now by the losing party. And that is not normal and it is the first time that has happened in our history ever. And why it’s happening needs to be explained. And it has nothing to do with Justice racism equality or any of the lies that the left has been putting out. Unladen swallow parcel service shirt Fucking how would democrats oppose the republican party? They control all forms of government right now. What the fuck are you on about?

Also, please, if that video exists, post it. I cannot find it anywhere. Most of this was a pain in the ass to read, so many rambling points, I’m sure everyone who agrees, just got that it was conservative, and didn’t bother thinking more on it. The Bible warns us that in end times that we as followers of Christ will be outcast and will be mocked by those who are evil and part of the the Antichrist one religion order and one world order which is backed by the Catholic Church
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