the union can file a grievance on behalf of affected union members against us coast guard blue skull american flag full over printed shirt the company for breach of contract and to recover lost wages and benefits.
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PUBLIC EMPLOYEE – A person who is employed by a municipal, county, state, or federal agency or state college or university. PRIVATIZATION us coast guard blue skull american flag full over printed shirt Selling or leasing public sector or government functions to private entities or businesses. PRIVATE SECTOR – The part of the economy that is not state or government controlled , and is run by individuals and companies for profit. The private sector encompasses all for-profit businesses that are not owned or operated by the government. PREVAILING WAGE- Generally the wage prevailing in a locality for a certain type of work. It is a wage determinant for many federal construction projects under the Davis-Bacon Act. The term does not necessarily refer to union wages.
OPEN NEGOTIATIONS – This is a process of having open contract negotiations which are open to all bargaining unit members and any others that the Union identifies and deems as part of its contract negotiating committee. Those attending such open sessions are never referred to or called “observers” which the management team possibly could object to being present. However, either side may construct its bargaining teams as they see fit as within their rights under the NLRA or state collective bargaining laws. If the management refuses to bargain with such an expanded union bargaining team, that may be a violation of the law and cause for an unfair labor practice charge. In some states with public sector collective bargaining – such as Florida – open sessions to anyone are a part of the statute. NO SUBCONTRACTING – A contract clause that prohibits the employer from subcontracting out bargaining unit work to non-bargaining unit workers. If the employer hires non-bargaining unit workers with such a contract clause in place,

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