FAIR TRADE – Fair trade is a social movement us special forces skull american flag camo full over printed shirt whose stated goal is to help producers in developing countries achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainable farming. Fair trade is a system
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NO-STRIKE CLAUSE – A clause in a collective bargaining agreement between a union and employer that the union will not engage in any strike or other economic activities against us special forces skull american flag camo full over printed shirt the employer during the term of the Agreement and may include a ban on informational picketing and/or sympathy strikes. A no-strike clause in a collective bargaining agreement is considered the quid pro quo for an arbitration obligation. Such a clause usually includes a no-lockout provision also protecting workers from being locked out by the employer. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS ACT OF The Federal law guaranteeing workers the right to participate in unions without management reprisals.
It was modified in 1947 with the passage of the Taft-Hartley Act, and modified again in 1959 by the passage of the Landrum-Griffin Act. MAKE WHOLE – A catchall phrase used in grievances and other legal action where a remedy is sought from an employer. Often used in discharge and discipline cases where the union seeks to have a worker, who had been wrongly discharged or disciplined, returned to work and reimbursed all wages, benefits, or other conditions lost due to an employer’s unjustified action. LONGEVITY DIFFERENTIAL – A payment, above the base rate of pay, based on years of service. This payment does not become part of an employee’s base pay. L-M REPORTS – The annual financial statement of income and expenses, including the salaries of union officers and staff. Unions are required by law to file with the Labor Management Division of the U.S. Department of Labor. GEOGRAPHIC WAGE DIFFERENTIALS – Differences in wage rates based upon locations of plants or industries.

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