a woman has the right to her own body in a civilized society. Viking odin’s ravens full printing shirt She exercises that right by the use of the words “yes”, and “no”. Only rape and incest qualify and those cases are so rare that they hardly merit a discussion.
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it stops a beating heart which is a life. What is the first thing they check to see if you’re alive? It turns into murder the second a victims heart stops. If you don’t want to carry a baby don’t have sex. Get on birth control. Be a responsible human being not a murderer. Don’t give me that garbage about Viking odin’s ravens full printing shirt rape and the mom’s life being in danger. Hardly any abortions are due to either. They are done as a convenience over and over.

and I’m not giving you any garbage about rape victims because in my opinion, and according to the law, it’s a womans choice regardless of the situation. except that it’s not “her” body. It’s a separate life. There is no “right” to harm another, regardless of what you do with your own body or choices you make exercising your right to your own body. It’s a horrible method of birth control. There are almost no excuse for an “unwanted” pregnancy in this day and age, precisely for the reason you say:
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