Absolutely agree. But I can say for a fact, Viking warrior tattoo full printing shirt that it is not some big tragedy for every woman. For some, its relief, and zero regret. there was a time when the law called people from Africa partial persons. The law does not determine personhood. Science does.
Viking warrior tattoo full printing shirt
Murder is murder, call it Pro-choice or women’s rights, flower it all you want but it’s still MURDER. Woman up. Have the baby and give the baby up for adoption but don’t live with the fact that you murdered a defenseless human being. Not her body! Someone with different DNA Viking warrior tattoo full printing shirt is the victim of her choice! If the content of the womb was ‘her’ body then the intention to murder would result in the death of the Mother also.

Of course, tragically abortion sometimes results in the death of the mother as well. I dont know Lisa, all I know is that any situation where a woman has to choose is a tragedy that she never takes lightly. No matter what anyone says. I hope Science advances to the point where no woman has to make that choice ever. it would be great if science advanced to a point that no woman had to make that choice.
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