courts toward the importance and authority of this unique system. vintage grandpa shark doo doo crocband clog As one example, a joint annual judicial educational conference, entitled the Sovereignty Symposium,
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it becomes exceedingly difficult to develop proposals for land use by the Maori people themselves. It is far easier to lease or sell the land, as money can be divided, vintage grandpa shark doo doo crocband clog than it is to agree that one beneficiary farm or build or log the land for his or her own needs. In many ways, the Maori Land Court and this entire regime were designed to encourage the transference of most Maori land to pakeha control. Although Aboriginal customary law and criminal justice issues have received considerable attention from researchers and government policy analysts,78 few changes have been implemented. The Australian Law Reform Commission has issued an extensive report on the subject but the implementation of its recommendations by the government of that country has yet to occur.
Perhaps the most graphic example of this has been in Australia, where intense lobbying by a broad sector of the public, led by the Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Committee, resulted in the appointment by the Commonwealth of the Royal Commission into Deaths of Aborigines in Custody. Its original mandate was to investigate the circumstances surrounding over 40 deaths of Aboriginals while in police custody or in a correctional institution. The size of the commission and the magnitude of its investigation had been expanded as approximately 100 suspicious deaths of Aboriginal persons in custody were uncovered. The issue of establishing Aboriginal justice systems already has been reviewed in particular detail by the Australia Law Reform Commission as part of its report on Aboriginal customary law.75 Therefore, both countries are in a position rather similar to Canada’s in a number of ways. In addition, there is a growing respect shown by federal and state

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