your argument won’t hold water, friend. Win rocky win 44th anniversary quilt what pro lifers are advocating for is that women should take responsibility for their bodies before becoming pregnant! abortion is not birth control! as for equal rights, i guess you missed the memo
Win rocky win 44th anniversary quilt
that is why there are so few gop women in congress compared to dems. so you are just part of the problem, not the solution. rape is not an excuse just because a tragedy happens to you doesnt mean you take that tragedy and make it worse into another tragedy and murdr a baby when you can just gove it up for adoption. Win rocky win 44th anniversary quilt both the woman and child are victims of that rape and a child should not have to be savagely and brutally murdered for the sins of their fathers
you do realize that the very bills you’re talking about aren’t even law, yet, right? The earliest one would take effect is in late 2020 and even then, will most likely be shut down in the courts. You’re literally complaining about something that isn’t even law. do you realize that more than a half million babies are murdered each year and close to 2000 of those are considered late term. the argument you are making is for less than 1 percent of that half million.
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