Lots of children are this ill over many things all over the world all of the time & recover This is how i save the world los angeles clippers full printing face mask and also don’t recover from other things more dangerous to children than this.
This is how i save the world los angeles clippers full printing face mask
isn’t it weird that the Government says everyone can get it.. Besides a hospital wouldn’t allow someone coughing deliberately like that. Safety measures aren’t being really practiced in this video. This is how i save the world los angeles clippers full printing face mask Im sorry for the kid but he aint a covid patient so sad, just remember how you get it: from people, things and air… contaminated with the virus. If the little guy was all the time at home, maybe trough groseries, food packages, clothes, shoes, other kids, playgrounds, a/c, etc… taking care of everything is hard but the hoax is the way it’s being politicized and you just fell for another trick.. using children is probably the favorite tactic in politics to get people to react and lose their emotions You need to keep your head and show some self control don’t let your feelings dictate your thoughts or actions .
The Agenda in this video is to fear monger people into giving up their freedoms and tanking our nations economy long term because it will never affect the elite I don’t understand how people believe this is a hoax what is it going to take to get people to realize this is real.do the research .think the stores and restaurants hotels all want to shut down loosing money every day because they feel like it.Do you have to actually watch someone die because someone didn’t follow the rules got it and passed it on to another person.then that person passes it on it’s like a domino effect. Not all people survive this especially elderly and people with heart conditions and azma.Wake up this is real. It’s certainly not a hoax and the media is making an absolute meal of it.
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