This is something we will all inevitably get and a vaccine is not your saviour, This is how i save the world los angeles lakers full printing face mask buckle in people it’s here to stay so let’s figure out how to get on with it
This is how i save the world los angeles lakers full printing face mask
yeah I think she got it going grocery shopping because there’s no way they stayed home this whole time before he caught it. She or he brought home from pumping gas. You can bring it home easily. There’s no way you can get it being isolated at home unless somebody goes out and brings it back in your house. This is how i save the world los angeles lakers full printing face mask I wonder how he got it? If they didn’t leave the house at all? My family hasn’t left at all, we have ordered groceries, but disinfect and have gotten take out foods but have reheated. what I’ve learned from a verified doctor who works in a hospital is that the test they do isn’t for the actual presence of the virus but an RNA test which if you have any pre-existing condition like a cancer etc you will test positive .
Then they pass the numbers to the CDC and we keep locked down. The president needs to have this investigated and fire some of the task force members who are working on behalf of the enemy If you see this and still think it’s okay for us to end the stay at home order then you can go f*** yourself. Imagine this being someone close to you. Imagine if this was your family or a close friend. Everyone will be like this if we end the stay at home order and open up businesses. Stay the hell home. Only go out for necessities. My son is a severe asthmatic and has been hospitalised for multiple long stays to get his breathing back on track, this looks and sounds no worse than what I have seen with my own eyes and experience with him.
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