Don’t you remember the Conservative British Lobby during the fight for Obamacare, Toronto blue jays full printing face mask warning American conservatives that if the people were ever allowed to have publicly financed healthcare they would never again look to private enterprise for their health needs.
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So £150 a month is pretty good to say you never have to pay for medical insurance or medical treatment again. Calling an ambulance in the USA costs u more than my entire years medical needs so I doubt people would find it harder people say this and every time it BLOWS my mind. Toronto blue jays full printing face mask I struggle and still rather pay some higher tax than having another medical bill on my credit and/or pay astronomical health insurance cause I’m sure they go off credit. Which only screws me even more. My car insurance is high because of my bad credit. Why do I have bad credit? Medical bills from the hospital in actual emergencies, not from “cough cough, I’m sick and need a doctors note”. This argument has been won and decided decades ago. Just ask almost any resident of a universal health providing country if they like their health care system.
Britain was first out the gate with their National Health Service (NHS) following the Second World War when millions of ordinary working class people decided that after thousands of them had been killed in defence of their country, they would no longer accept third class health care, going so far in the process as to fire Winston Churchill who has guided then through the war, and vote in a Socialist Labor Party. To this day the most right wing conservative parties in Britain always lead their election campaigns with “we have no intention of dismantling the NHS , we are actually going to increase its funding over the next four years”. Even Margaret Thatcher, a hater of any projects that arise from a unified and angered working class. As she famously said “There is no such thing as society”. Referring to a selfish individualism in which fellow citizens and the collective good are ignored. Well she found that in the case of healthcare the world doesn’t work that way.
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