and events occurring in preceding years/century building up to this. Undying love mike bell frankenstein monster lovers poster Copy and paste of one tiny paragraph in a mountain of facts, evidence and information is not knowledge or factual, nice try.
Undying love mike bell frankenstein monster lovers poster
and that’s reality. So tell me where is YOUR generation going to come up with multiple trillions of dollars to fund your silly unrealistic desires and demands?? Alexandria Cortez cannot and will not answer this simple question when repeatedly asked to explain her bubble-headed boobie-babble; Undying love mike bell frankenstein monster lovers poster the most she can come up with is 2 trillion to account for 40 trillion needed to float her socialist stupidity. Are you willing to give up 50 to 60% if not more of your income when you actually start working
and paying into the system? In Canada, we are taxed by nearly 50% altogether, and we are not a happy healthy country, we are not thriving, we are steadily degrading and dying as intended and it took decades and generations to cause this and that’s the reality of it, you couldn’t possibly know or understand, you’re a child fed a “fairy-tale” and that’s just too bad. It began as a lovely ideology of socialism, lulling and luring in the hungry and desperate; there are many, many, many factors
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