More people were shot down in two days at Antietam in 1862. We need to get a grip. US marine proud skull filter activated carbon face mask This virus is not the Bubonic plague. Your chances of death are very small even if you are in the most affected demographics.
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and we have to shut down again then what was the point! We all want this economy to open up. right now the economy has more of a chance of survival if we flatten the curve and US marine proud skull filter activated carbon face mask produce mass testing but if we open too soon and a second wave of infections hits and we shut down again then our Economies chances of survival will be cut in half Not really again. This does not seem to be the case in Sweden, which never shut down, nor in Germany which is opening back up. Also, with the heat and sun, both of which seem to kill the virus and summer arriving, again, not likely.
Even so, even if the virus continues, as it will in some form very probably, the economy is crashing. 22 million unemployed last week, 13% of the working population. Large swaths of the economy are on the verge of bankruptcy. Oil plummeted this morning to 5 dollars a gallon. All of this, if not ended very quickly, will throw us into a global depression, the consequences of which will far out last the virus. Lastly preventing unnecessary death is a problematic statement. Death is everywhere and we lose far more people to all manner of causes but do not and have never closed down the economy to save a few thousand people. We are a nation of 330 million and some 30,000 folk have died to this point from the virus.

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