(he woke up one night to use the bathroom, collapsed and had to be squaded in) Viking carbon pm 2.5 face mask he had no insurance. his hospital bills were coming in the mail before he even left the damn place, as if my family wasnt shaken enough
Viking carbon pm 2.5 face mask
while the people who do all the work and the people who pay for the services suffer. Yeah I guess doctors and people that risk $500000 in med school debt Viking carbon pm 2.5 face mask Should not be able to recoup their costs by offering the skills they acquired on a free market. It’s much better to just not have adequatly trained doctors and pay them as much as you pay people that work at McDonald’s Why would anyone do it? Do you work for free? No. Ah ok. Invalid. Years studying and putting up with bitchy patients all for free. Got it.
See how many doctors we have then. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot get govt totally out of healthcare. that is a large part of the problem. you socialize medicine and the doctors will all be gone. good luck getting all your “healthcare” from a government bureaucrat and nurse practitioners. my father was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in january. in 1 week he had 3 major surgeries, n. g. tube, tests upon tests upon tests. there were days i would walk into that hospital room and i wouldn’t even recognize him. everything happened so fast. when he first went to the hospital

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