but at this point I don’t care if I hurt anyone feeling so when this Vincent van gogh by nicolas rosenfeld jigsaw puzzle amazing nurse is telling you to stay home if you don’t need to leave your house PLEASE LISTEN TO HER she knows what’s going on
Vincent van gogh by nicolas rosenfeld jigsaw puzzle
(if you are not doing grocery shopping for yourself or others (or walking your dog or yourself in your neighbor hood) and you are not an “essential” stay home.. Vincent van gogh by nicolas rosenfeld jigsaw puzzle thanks I don’t understand how people that can stay home..don’t. I don’t have that option and wish I did so my family wouldn’t be at risk because of me. Please stay home!!! Thank you for posting this. Thank you and ALL who are working to help others. This is a truly frightening time. I hope everyone really listens to what she is saying. I am not a nurse but my sister in law is and I pray all day that she stays safe I work at Walgreens and I have never seen such stupid people before I
don’t think anyone understands how serious this is people you need to stay home I get so mad when I see people come in for hair color or makeup I’m here to tell y’all you don’t need to come in for things like hair color or a snicker bar STAY HOME if you have to come in with gloves on cause you dot want to touch anything STAY HOME I had a lady come in yesterday and said her husband tested positive but she was ok I’m like are you sure cause I bet you slept in the same bed right next to him the night before he was tested so your not for sure your ok and you need to leave the store right now I’m pretty sure she called the 1-800 number on me

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