Be cautious but not crazy stupid & full of fear . Vincent van gogh starry night darth vader star wars jigsaw puzzle Inhale really hot fumes from your cup of black tea 5 times a day & u won’t need any corona virus cure .
Vincent van gogh starry night darth vader star wars jigsaw puzzle
The breathtaking hypocrisy, infantile behavior and name-calling, and disregard for self-evident facts are all self-defeating and destroying their own seemingly passionate cause. Vincent van gogh starry night darth vader star wars jigsaw puzzle Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result each time. That’s nothing compared to what these left-wingers are displaying. It’s amazing what you frontliners are doing but when the patients come in is it pneumonia or is it oxygen starvation like your thousands of feet in the air both just as scary Will you tell my kids and grandkids that no one is exempt! My grandson insist that him and anyone 40 and under will not die! I love would you to tell me he is correct.
But I don’t think this will be your answer. I am fragile like many. My worries are heavy as usual, even before corona! So please be nice when you respond. Please. To all of the ones working so hard to help the sick,I thank you very much.I take this to be a very serious matter.Am taking every preclusion I know to take and also praying for our country as well as the rest of the world Your ‘Stay Home’ message is great. Your frightening vulnerable people message is unnecessary! Why couldn’t she imagine that the US would follow suit. Some health professionals aren’t equipped to develop the narratives needed to empower people. The reality is not everyone is going to get infected. So this virus knows who’s in health care & who works in a bank or who works as a cook or cleaner or a lifeguard ?

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