and lower abdomen smoothness and appears to be hip to hip scar visible. Vintage best cat dad ever shirt I’ve had exactly the same surgery done after losing a similar amount of weight so looks obvious to me
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I don’t blame them for asking her to stop – they need to have a rational conversation about the reason they were called, not listen to ranting nonsense. I pray this cross stays put and the Supreme Court of the United States makes the right decision. you can put a cross wherever you want. Vintage best cat dad ever shirt But show the same support to the statue of a goat man erected by the satanist temple, or the statue of the profit Muhammad
erected by Islamics alike. How about that? Atheists vs. Christians vs. Muslims vs. anybody else different from you?? Why? We are all humans. then we must keep church and state separate. Privilege to any religion must be checked. Great effort on the weight loss, I’m guessing there has been lose skin removed, no way that skin would disappear and be flat, surgery tell tail is the belly button

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