That was a few years ago. Eventually I was given meds for bipolar and told I possibly had ADHD inattentive. Vintage butterfly carbon pm 2.5 face mask I still don’t know what’s wrong with me but I’ve decided to just work from home and not leave the house if I don’t have to.
Vintage butterfly carbon pm 2.5 face mask
Though I’m worried I might have a meltdown in public, usual because of sensory overload, I’m now not embarrassed if I have a meltdown at home. It’s just that my mind cant cope and I need time for it calm down to think properly again. Practically, for me, theres not been much change since diagnosis BUT it can help. Vintage butterfly carbon pm 2.5 face mask For example if your going for a job you can ask for slight adjustments in your work environment. You might be able to apply for some sort of financial benifit(I dont know how this works outside the UK) if, for example it stops you working full time. And here there are talking therapies, often in groups, and so on that you dont need a doctors referral.
Thanks for telling all of your experiences. I am always masking, I have trouble with friendships and romantic relationships, I am told I’m weird and feel weird and just…uncomfortable like I’ll never be able to live life in a way that comes naturally. I’ll always have to analyze every action I take, try to adjust to make sure I don’t make another person upset, etc. An overwhelming thought I sometimes have is that, for the rest of my life, I’ll have to drive and go get gas, every week or so, forever. I started wondering if I had autism because my ex husband joked about it (but then said it was actually likely) but when I brought it up all of the therapists and psychiatrists said it was just depression and anxiety.

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