There is always a bias in science, but this video is totally an individual case being represented as universal.. Vintage dragonfly carbon pm 2.5 face mask which is not useful at the best of times but especially for people with asd. I’m an autism behavioural interventionist therapist
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I am autistic and not good with social situations. So i mask that i am good. Even tho ive been diagnozed at the age of 5/6 long story short. Its hard to not try and mask everything same here. Vintage dragonfly carbon pm 2.5 face mask I’m prone to social anxiety as well. People don’t believe me when I tell them I’m on the spectrum, because I have good social skills. If they could see the suffering going on inside. Back in the fays pdd-nos. Look it up it will be the main part of that diagnosis. But i have other traits as well.
As i cant handle stimules (sorry had to google the word my main language is not english.) But mainly my traits are about social communication, social skills, and everything in that matter. But thats just my diagnosis Back in the fays pdd-nos. Look it up it will be the main part of that diagnosis. But i have other traits as well. As i cant handle stimules (sorry had to google the word my main language is not english.) But mainly my traits are about social communication, social skills, and everything in that matter. But thats just my diagnosis This is so inaccurate it hurts.

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