If we went by the world standard we would still be on those Chinese made tests giving results in 5 days. Washington redskins full printing face mask On a side note…wasn’t it just a few years ago that British family was trying to get their dying son here because their hospitals couldn’t do the procedure?
Washington redskins full printing face mask
your healthcare is overpriced and ineffective, your policies on climate change are rediculous, your gun laws just make the rest of the world think your a joke and your president is an absolute moron that attacks anyone with the same old “fake news” bullshit whenever someone says something he doesn’t like, Washington redskins full printing face mask there was probably a time in the 50s 60s and 70s when the USA was the greatest nation on earth, sadly now your all a laughing stock and the a joke to everyone else, but you guys won’t see that because you just believe what you hear on fox and abc Your family clearly just didn’t bother to research their options. Hospitals (which is not where you should go to receive routine care) offer millions of dollars in charity every year to those that can’t afford it. Low income clinics, free testing facilities, patient assistance programs, medicaid programs and the like. The opportunity is there, educate yourself.
You must be living in lala land, America is now a 3rd world country, and your health care system is nothing but a profit organization and not there to help anyone we do have free healthcare technically…Medicaid. Our health insurance is whats fucked. Our health systems QUALITY is one of the best in the world. United States is one of the leaders in technological advances in healthcare. We spend the most out of anybody for medical research. We got some of the best hospitals and medical universities in the world as well as the best surgeons. Doctors from all over the world want to come and work here for a reason. And thank god for our private sector! Because of the competition created in our private sector we now have Covid tests that give results in minutes.

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