My God! I love you above all things with my whole hearts and soul. Weed mandala full printing quilt Because you are infinitely worthy of love. I love my neighbor as my self, and for the love of you.
Weed mandala full printing quilt
So what is love to you? All ur videos only shows you don’t believe in love and you don’t know what is love. Dr you don’t believe in love. You may sound practical but that is not love. Weed mandala full printing quilt Your version of love is like marriage of convenience. “True love is choosing the many things a person did right rather than the one thing he did wrong. True love does not keep the record of wrongs.” I agree with everything you have said… refreshing in a world that wants to take take take. Love is about two people GIVING everything to each other. In relationships where I have seen both people do that…. it works big time!!!!
Not that any relationship is perfect. I had a relationship with a guy many years ago who I did love deeply. But I came to realise in the end, that although I did love him I was not IN love with him. I know I made the right decision but it was obviously painful. Now that I have fallen in love I have experienced the difference. My dear mum used to say falling in love is the start but committment will take you right to the end. The wonderful thing is my ex also went on to meet the right person who he says is the love of his life. And we are still friends.We have to be honest about how we feel… no matter how painful at the time. Beautiful video… thanks Best teaching for the day.. Oh God,help me to find it and to know it when I find it.
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