Everybody: stay at home!! Better annoyed between 4walls than dead between 6 planks Winnie the pooh jigsaw puzzle From the UK.. stay home!.. do not go out unless it’s
Winnie the pooh jigsaw puzzle
Why not just use Noninvasive Ventilation instead? Then you won’t need disgusting drugs like fentanyl or propofol that may hinder the patient’s body from fighting off covid19. Winnie the pooh jigsaw puzzle As I’m sure you know, opioids can actually induce pneumonia. What about common people just trying to get food for their family? I respect first responders, but for real if this is we are all in this together how am I supposed to keep my family safe just going to the grocery store with no protection? Not even a fabric mask our community makes them for our first responders? Maybe instead of the fabric mask going to the health care system that knows it won’t help them, won’t use them, no pic using them, give it back to us, so we can pretend we are safe.
I am working at a facility that is not using any PPE, co-workers that are not qualified to do gone healthcare whatsoever. They are forcing me to work or self quarantine with no pay from unemployment. I’m scared to be here For goodness sake people take it from someone who knows. This lady is on the front line. I totally understand what she’s saying and I’m worried to but my bills aren’t going to keep coming in and won’t have any food so I have to keep working. I’m not rich or at all prepared to have to go through all this without working. Please stay in. Yes, people don’t understand…till they will die. STAY HOME! it is the only way to fight that invisible virus and then we will cry for VICTORY. (I am Canadian) Thanks to all people in crucial professions.

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